Birthday of Terence Stamp on this day July 22nd 1938

On This Day

Birthday of Terence Stamp

July 22nd 1938

11:35 22 July 2023

English actor Terence Stamp was born on this day in 1938. Stamp emerged alongside Michael Caine, Albert Finney, Julie Christie and others as one of British cinemas most exciting talents in the 1960s. For his film debut in the title role of 'Billy Budd' (1962) he received an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor and a BAFTA for Best Newcomer.

His profile remained high throughout the decade with roles in such films as 'The Collector' (1965), 'Modesty Blaise' (1966), 'Poor Cow' (1967) and 'Far from the Madding Crowd' (1967). Subsequent film credits include 'The Mind of Mr. Soames' (1970), 'The Hit' (1984), 'The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert' (1994), 'The Limey' (1999), 'Star Wars: Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace' (1999), 'Valkyrie' (2008) and 'Last Night in Soho' (2021). For many cinemagoers he will always be remembered for portraying the Kryptonian supervillian General Zod in 'Superman' (1978) and 'Superman II' (1980). Happy Birthday Terence.

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